Newtierra is a semi-inpatient psychiatric institution opened at the end of 2015 experimentally carrying out the rehabilitation of patients through music therapy and treatment aimed at reducing the main syndromes and symptoms of diseases and further normalizing the mental state.
Asylum has already released its first full-length therapy course as well as a number of therapy procedures at the moment. Asylum is working on the creation of the second full-lenght therapy course now.
We don't know exactly by what criterion we turned out to be the most suitable candidates for conducting these experiments. Psychiatrists put on us a variety of experiments through the influence on our bodies of various substances, objects, liquids, temperatures, and most importantly - various sounds of music in the creation of which we participate ourselves.. As far as we understand the most successful experiments are those after which we become the most calm and adequate but it seems that they aren't yet satisfied with the stability and duration of these results. There are a number of psychiatrists that we especially like because they are nice nurses and basically they take care of us between experiments - feed us, change clothes, etc. Also there is a number of psychiatrists who do not visit us in the hospital but work with us remotely through mainly sounds and visual images. We are quite satisfied with our staying at the asylum and it seems that our perception is really being corrected for the better.
    What does your name mean?
    Newtierra means "New Earth." This is a place where people can become mentally healthier, authentic and open through the music therapies. Asylum program is currently running in test mode on selected patients. Procedures are developed taking into account their diseases. The clinic is already showing its first good therapy results through inpatient appointments which are open to everyone.
    Who is behind all of this?
    We don't know for sure, psychiatrists are conducting all sorts of experiments on us, it's an experimental project, they believe that in this way they will be able to make us normal people over time or at least better study the nature of the insanity. They have already achieved certain results in the dynamics of our treatment. There are also very interesting results that show that in certain circumstances, insane people are healthier than healthy people - they can manifest themselves as more alive, real, carried away by the "here and now" moment, which is why the clinic decided to show the results of their experiments to the world.
    What do you do in your free time from music?
    Psychiatrists make us run, jump, try various medicals, sounds, smells on us, we learn to play pasta and batteries, the sound of a metronome calms us, sometimes we paint the walls, sometimes we look out the window, sometimes we see films and clips on the carpet, sometimes we walk in the garden, sometimes we orbit the earth...
    What are your therapies about?
    We try to reveal the various sides of the personality through our therapies, to help a person open his heart, accept and learn to adequately and in harmony live with his “weak” sides for a more fulfilling and happy life.